Central Neighborhood Police Team
Dallas Police Department
Central Division
334 S. Hall Street
Dallas, TX 75226
Community policing is a philosophy as well as a proactive way of doing business. The commitment to work with communities to handle the immediate and longer-term causes of crime through joint problem solving reduces crime and improves quality of life. It also makes officers safer and increases the likelihood of individuals to abide by the law.
Through crime watch groups, Volunteer in Patrol, and other volunteer programs, the people of Dallas have joined the department in combatting crime. The public's involvement has been a critical element in the reduction of crime.
The Neighborhood Policing Team of the Central Patrol Division is responsible for interacting directly with the public, with the goal of fostering trust, cooperation and communication between the community and the department. Officers assigned to the team attend crime watch meetings, teach classes for Volunteers in Patrol, coordinate etching of valuables, and a host of other programs. Officers volunteer to serve in this team, and are interviewed and selected based on their abilities and qualities that relate to the duties required of team members. The officers of the Neighborhood Policing Team want to be involved in this program, want to work directly with the community, and are excited about their involvement.
The Central (NPO) Team:
The division is divided into "Sectors" which are groups of beats (see map below). Each sector is assigned two Neighborhood Police Officers; one for days and one for evenings.
Next to each name below is the officer's shift (days or evenings) and the sector to which they are assigned.
Team Supervisor
Sgt. Derrick Wright 214-670-4420

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