Computer Crimes Squad


Computer Crimes Squad
1400 Botham Jean Blvd.
Dallas, Texas 75215

The Computer Crimes Squad investigates crimes involving the Internet and/or crimes that use computers as a medium to the offense. These can include:

  • Breach of Computer Security
  • Online Impersonation
  • Theft
Please note, when reporting an offense to the Computer Crimes Squad victims will be required to provide documented evidence of the offense reported. A forensic report may be required. 

Central source of information and advice about Internet crimes:

  • - This website provides practical tips from both the Federal government and the technology industry to help guard against Internet fraud, how to secure your computer, and how to protect your personal information.

If you are aware of other crimes you believe to be related to the Internet or computers, please contact a Computer Crimes detective at (214) 671-3543 or by email. ​